What Ageing Means To Me was a small project which I recently facilitated. Run in partnership with Moreland City Council and Merri Health. I feel very fortunate to be involved in this project. I feel honoured to have been able
Sheena Mathieson now has a new Website for her art!
Sheena Mathieson now has a brand new website for her art! Sheena’s art is inspired by her surroundings, her emotions, her passion for colour and her facilitation work and experience. As she says ‘Inspiration works in all directions’. Have a
Print Day in May 2021
Saturday 1 May 2021 was Print Day in May. Every year on the first Saturday in May, printmakers world-wide celebrate Print Day in May in studios, kitchens, wherever possible. As the day unfolds around the globe, printmakers in over 70
The Coronavirus Times – a kind of tea bag arty Level Playing Field
Level Playing Field 2019 Launch Night

After many months of preparation and creation, Level Playing Field 2019 launched on Friday November 1st! Artists, friends and family gathered at the Darebin Arts and Entertainment Centre, and the exhibition was officially opened by xxxx. For more pictures of
Level Playing Field 2019

Level Playing Field is an innovative, inclusive and inspiring annual arts project celebrating self-expression and demonstrating how we are all different but socially connected artists. This project provides an opportunity for connection across cultural background, age and ability. It accepts
Art Exhibition Celebration – Thursday 25 October 2018 4pm
For a number of weeks this year I have been co-facilitating (with my colleague and friend Angela Pollock) a pilot program for people with young onset dementia through Surrey Hills Neighbourhood Centre. Beautiful artworks produced in this program will be
Level Playing Field and Sheena Mathieson exhibition opens!
Level Playing Field 2018 Kicks Off!
Strutt Your Stuff 2018
Preps for Strutt Your Stuff 2018 are underway!